Monday, April 21, 2008

You SURE you want these back?

So, I think this is weird. Some of you may know I have a history of complaining to any company that I feel has provided inferior service or products. I usually get coupons, refunds, replacement products, etc.
Let me give you some examples:
Lipton Brisk Iced Tea: Tasted funny, I got coupons for a free case of tea, and coupons for money off a few other cases
Glade Scented oil candles:Won't relight after they've been blown out, even if there's still oil that could be burned. I got 2 coupons for replacement packages
9 lives:Bones in tuna cat food. I got coupons for replacement cans
I could go on, but you see my point. So, I bought Tom (my husband) a package of underwear and they just don't fit right. I emailed them yesterday to complain that they look like little boy underwear. They wrote back saying they'll replace them (refund if I have the receipt, which I don't) as long as I mail them back.
Tom wore them. I washed them, of course, but really want them back?
I called to verify. Yup, they still want them back.
I guess I found a job that's got to be worse than being a pharmacy tech, eh? Receiving used and worn underwear...I have to imagine that some people don't wash them before they return them.

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